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3D-Lipo+ is one of the most talked about body treatments in the UK and is probably one of the most advanced machines of its type and offers a powerful new dimension in non-surgical fat removal, treatment of cellulite and skin tightening for both face and body.

Body machines have nearly always followed a single level of treatment focusing on muscle, cellulite, fat or skin tightening. 3D set out to create a machine that offered technology to permanently remove fat in a more effective way to laser lipolysis but also to treat cellulite and offer skin tightening

The new 3 dimensional approach to the problem ensures that nothing else offers such a complete and effective solution, offering clients a true alternative to liposuction.

The 3D-Lipo machine has won many 'Aesthetics Awards' and is now being used by many celebrities for the reduction of fat loss, cellulite reduction and skin tightening. You too could be working towards that 'celeb' body that everybody talks about.

The amazing results of 3D-Lipo have made national headlines.


  • 3D-Lipo Fat Freezing
  • 3D-Lipo Cellulite Removal
  • 3D-Lipo Cavitation
  • 3D-Lipo Skin Tightening
  • 3D-Lipo Shockwave

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Cavitation Fat Reduction

Cavitation is a natural phenomenon based on low frequency ultrasound. The ultrasound produces a strong wave of pressure to fat cell membranes. A fat cell cannot with stand this pressure and therefore disintegrates into a liquid state.

What happens to the released fat?

During the 3D-cavitation treatment, the membranes of the fat cells are disrupted. The fat cell content, primarily comprised of triglycerides, is dispersed into the fluid between the cells and then transported through the vascular and lymphatic systems to the liver. The liver makes no distinction between fat coming from the 3D-cavitation treatment and fat originating from consumed food. Both are processed by the body's natural mechanisms.

What areas can be improved with 3D-cavitation?

3D-cavitation is best for treating larger areas of fat such as the abdomen, thighs and 'muffin top'.

How many treatments are recommended?

A course of 6-8 treatments are recommended to achieve optimum results although your we will advise the best treatment plan for you.


  • 3D Cavitation Fat Removal
  • 3D Cavitation Course

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Radio Frequency

Best for skin tightening, smoothing of fine lines and wrinkles, reducing the appearance of cellulite

3D-Body RF penetrates the skin layers to selectively heat the skin tissue and the extra cellular matrix where the collagen fibres are embedded. The local heating of the area being treated causes an immediate contraction of the collagen fibres, and at the same time increases the metabolism of the fibro-blasting order to accelerate production of new collagen fibres and elastin fibres to create a smoother, healthier and younger looking skin.

3D-Body RF technology is a fantastic treatment for both skin tightening and cellulite reduction. The 3D-Body RF energy selectively increases the temperature of the fat cells, by doing so simultaneously in deep and superficial layers of fat. This increases the metabolism and release of liquid fat from fat cells. Normal cells can support 60 degrees but fat cells start to be melted at 41 degrees. After the treatment and release of liquid fat, the fat cells shrink in size, and skin is restored closer to its original form, reducing or eliminating the appearance of cellulite.


  • RF Facial
  • RF Skin Tightening Course

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3D Shockwave

Incorporates the basic principles of lymphatic drainage to assist the body in moving lymph through the network of lymphatic vessels in its return to the circulatory system. This treatment is also great for enhancing the results of other 3D-lipo treatments due to encouraging the waste from the fat cells destroyed to be flushed out through the lymphatic system.

Cellulite is caused by fat cells pushing against your skin. Through a combination of vacuums and skin rollers, 3D-shockwave mobilises these fat cells, subsequently causing parts of the cells to leave the body via the lymphatic system. This reduces the visibility of cellulite.

What areas can be improved with 3D-Shockwave?

3D-shockwave targets unwanted cellulite to create a smoother skin reducing the appearance of cellulite. Common areas typically treated are thighs, buttocks and abdomen area.

How many treatments are recommended?

A course of 6- 8 treatments is typically recommended for best results.


  • Cellulite Removal Session
  • Cellulite Removal Course

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Cryolypolisis Fat Freezing

3D-cryofreeze is a unique non-invasive treatment using a combination of electro and cryo therapy. Using the 3D-cryofreeze handpiece, this creates vacuum which draws the fat into the handpiece. This localised area within the handpiece is then frozen, causing 20% - 40% of the fat cells in that area to die.

3D-cryofreeze targets specifically the fat cells. By lowering the temperature to -6 degrees it pinpoints the content of the fat cells, causing them to crystalize. No other structures are affected by this process. The remaining content of the fat cells is then disposed of naturally through the body's lymphatic system.

What areas can be improved with 3D-cryofreeze?

This treatment is best for targeting those stubborn areas that just won't shift. Typical areas ideal for 3D-cryofreeze including inner thighs, lower abdomen and 'muffin tops', however your therapist will provide a tailored treatment plan to provide you with the best possible results which may include combining 3D-cryofreeze with other technologies as part of a treatment program. Two areas can now be treated simultaneously with the 3D-cryofreeze duo application.

How many treatments are recommended?

Only one treatment is required per area


  • 3D Fat Freeze small/medium/large
  • 3D Fat Freeze Duo

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Non-Surgical skin lifting has become one of the most sought after treatments and HIFU is the latest non-surgical technology to excel in this area in just one single session. It targets individually brow lifting, jowl line lifting, nasolabial fold reduction, periorbital wrinkle reduction and overall Skin tightening and rejuvenation.

The highly focused treatment has amazing, immediate results with no down time associated with this non-invasive procedure.

We work on most areas of the body - most commonly the pockets of stubborn fat which can be targeted by this super advanced technology; leaving you with a defined and contoured look.

Book in today and we can guide you through the options available, and decide a treatment plan that will deliver the results you want.


  • HIFU full face
  • HIFU lower face
  • HIFU full face & neck
  • HIFU brow lift & eyes
  • HIFU Fat Removal

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3D Hydro2Facial

The 3D HydrO2Facial has been developed to offer the complete facial experience to target an array of concerns including dehydration, oxygenation, anti-ageing, brightening, skin tightening and congestion.

Offering seven different technologies which smooth, hydrate and cleanse the skin, we are able to tailor your facial to your specific concerns and requirements.

The HydrO2 Facial is hailed as the 'red carpet, five star facial' loved by social media due to it's instant, youthful, younger, radiant results. This treatment is very much in the news right now and has a lot of industry buzz.

HydrO2 facial utilises seven different advanced technologies, offering more prescriptive, versatile and rounded facials. These technologies smooth, hydrate and deeply cleanse the skin resulting in a glowing, more youthful appearance.

  • Hydropeel / deep cleanse
  • Exfoliation
  • Skin lifting
  • Skin tightening
  • Hydration
  • Youthful appearance
  • Customisable to all skin types
  • 8 unique facial protocols for brightening, anti-ageing and clear skin


  • HydrO2Facial Express
  • HydrO2Facial Deluxe
  • Hydr02Facial Deluxe Plus

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